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Start survey programmatically

How to start a survey programmatically?

In most cases, you should let the Screeb targeting engine start the survey. But sometimes, you may need more control on survey trigger time.

This method is often used for adding feedback button into a menu.

$screeb('survey.start', '<SURVEY_ID>'); 

Prevent multiple displays?

If current user already replied to your survey and you would rather not display it many times, please add the allow_multiple_responses argument:

$screeb('survey.start', '<SURVEY_ID>', { 'allow_multiple_responses': false }); 

Contextualize response

The survey.start command accepts an object of hidden fields. Values passed as parameters will be listed alongside the responses, on the Screeb platform.

$screeb('survey.start', '<SURVEY_ID>', { 'hidden_fields': { 'color': 'green', 'article_id': 42 } });