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Version: Android SDK


Set hooks

You can define custom hooks to be executed on various events.

Thanks to this you will be able to interact with your website when a survey appears, or execute some custom code when a survey is submitted.

You can define hooks on Screeb.initSdk() and Screeb.startSurvey() commands. Hooks are all optional.

Available hooks are:

  • onSurveyShowed: called when a survey is showed
  • onSurveyStarted: called when a survey is started
  • onQuestionReplied: called when a question is replied
  • onSurveyCompleted: called when a survey is completed
  • onSurveyHidden: called when a survey is hidden
  • onReady: called when the SDK is ready (Only available on Screeb.initSdk())

Set hooks on SDK init

"<unique-user-id>", // optional
VisitorProperties().apply { // optional
this["firstname"] = "<user-firstname>"
this["lastname"] = "<user-lastname>"
this["plan"] = "<user-plan>"
this["age"] = 42
this["logged_at"] = Date()
this["authenticated"] = true
isFullscreenMode = true|false, // fullscreen mode, optional, default: false
automaticScreenDetection = true|false // optional, default: false
"version" to "1.0.0",
"onReady" to { payload:Any -> Log.d("Screeb", "SDK Ready: $payload")}

Set hooks on survey start

surveyId = "<survey-id>",
allowMultipleResponses = true,
hiddenFields = HiddenFields().apply {
this["h1"] = "hidden_field1"
this["h_count"] = 75
"version" to "1.0.0",
"onSurveyShowed" to { payload:Any -> Log.d("Screeb", "Survey showed $payload")}

Payload types

onSurveyShowed: {
channel: {
id: string,
type: "android"
survey: {
id: string,
survey_position: "center-left" | "center-center" | "center-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-center" | "bottom-right",
survey_size: 25 | 50 | 75 | 100 | 125 | 150,
survey_format: "conversational" | "cards",
response: {
id: string,
items: {
question: {
id: string;
title: string;
type: "text" | "video";
url: string;
answer: {
fields: {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "none" | "time" | "url";
text: string;
number: number;
boolean: boolean;
time: Date;
url: string;
}[] | undefined;
replied_at: Date | undefined;
user: {
anonymous_id: string,
user_id: string,

onSurveyStarted: {
channel: {
id: string,
type: "android"
survey: {
id: string,
survey_position: "center-left" | "center-center" | "center-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-center" | "bottom-right",
survey_size: 25 | 50 | 75 | 100 | 125 | 150,
survey_format: "conversational" | "cards",
response: {
id: string,
user: {
anonymous_id: string,
user_id: string,

onQuestionReplied: {
channel: {
id: string,
type: "android"
survey: {
id: string,
survey_position: "center-left" | "center-center" | "center-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-center" | "bottom-right",
survey_size: 25 | 50 | 75 | 100 | 125 | 150,
survey_format: "conversational" | "cards",
response: {
id: string,
status: "started" | "ended" | "closed" | "interrupted"
question: {
id: string;
title: string;
type: "text" | "video";
url: string;
answer: {
fields: {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "none" | "time" | "url";
text: string;
number: number;
boolean: boolean;
time: Date;
url: string;
items: {
question: {
id: string;
title: string;
type: "text" | "video";
url: string;
answer: {
fields: {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "none" | "time" | "url";
text: string;
number: number;
boolean: boolean;
time: Date;
url: string;
}[] | undefined;
replied_at: Date | undefined;
user: {
anonymous_id: string,
user_id: string,

onSurveyCompleted: {
channel: {
id: string,
type: "android"
survey: {
id: string,
survey_position: "center-left" | "center-center" | "center-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-center" | "bottom-right",
survey_size: 25 | 50 | 75 | 100 | 125 | 150,
survey_format: "conversational" | "cards",
response: {
id: string,
items: {
question: {
id: string;
title: string;
type: "text" | "video";
url: string;
answer: {
fields: {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "none" | "time" | "url";
text: string;
number: number;
boolean: boolean;
time: Date;
url: string;
}[] | undefined;
replied_at: Date | undefined;
user: {
anonymous_id: string,
user_id: string,

onSurveyHidden: {
channel: {
id: string,
type: "android"
survey: {
id: string,
survey_position: "center-left" | "center-center" | "center-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-center" | "bottom-right",
survey_size: 25 | 50 | 75 | 100 | 125 | 150,
survey_format: "conversational" | "cards",
response: {
id: string,
hide_reason: "started" | "ended" | "closed" | "interrupted",
items: {
question: {
id: string;
title: string;
type: "text" | "video";
url: string;
answer: {
fields: {
type: "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "none" | "time" | "url";
text: string;
number: number;
boolean: boolean;
time: Date;
url: string;
}[] | undefined;
replied_at: Date | undefined;
user: {
anonymous_id: string,
user_id: string,

onReady: {
channel: {
id: string,
type: "android"
user: {
anonymous_id: string,
user_id: string,