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Version: Android SDK

Start survey programmatically

How to start a survey programmatically?

In most cases, you should let the Screeb targeting engine start the survey. But sometimes, you may want to run a survey on user action.

surveyId = "<SURVEY_ID>"

Prevent multiple displays?

If current user already replied to your survey and you would rather not display it many times, please add the allowMultipleResponses argument:

surveyId = "<SURVEY_ID>",
allowMultipleResponses = false

Contextualize response

The startSurvey command accepts a list of hidden fields. Values passed as parameters will be listed alongside the responses, on the Screeb platform.

surveyId = "<SURVEY_ID>",
hiddenFields = HiddenFields().apply {
this["h1"] = "hidden_field1"
this["h_count"] = 75