Event tracking
You can track actions performed by your users, along with properties describing the event.
Requirements:- Event names must be less than 128 characters long.
- Authorized characters are alphanumeric (uppercase included) and you can insert the following special characters: '-', '_', '.', ' ' (space), '/', and ':'.
Screeb.trackEvent("Product removed from cart")
From the Screeb platform, to customize the conditions the surveys are displayed for a visitor, you can apply custom targeting rules using these events: trigger count or last event time.
In order to bring context to your event handling, some properties can be added to the event.
Requirements:- Property names must be limited to 128 characters
- No more than 1000 attributes
- Supported types for values: string, number (Int, Long, Double), boolean and Date.
// trigger custom event
Screeb.trackEvent("Product added to cart", TrackingEventProperties().apply {
this["product_name"] = "Red bike 2021"
this["category"] = "sport"
this["price"] = 12.29
this["count"] = 1
this["delivery_method"] = "UPS"
this["user_logged"] = false
this["added_at"] = Date()